Games and Toys

* The Maze Man
Don't let this puzzlemaster's alias fool you. You can exercise your vocabulary, math skills, and general creativity with these educational and recreational puzzles. Word searches, number games, movie trivia, it's all here. Try to solve one and then try to create your own!

* Live From Mars
This is a great NASA site to visit. Be sure to go to "Kids Corner." The project is targeted at the middle school grade levels, but will have appeal above and below that range.

Fun with Legos! The Lego Toys are an American institution. They have been loved by generations! Lots to see and play with here!

* The Bungie Home Page
Visit the Bungie store, products, stuff that rocks, inside Bungie, and grab some cool downloads!

Public file libraries...all about games!

* Games Domain!
Check out the latest and hottest news about the best games made!

* Sega Online

This site has games, news and other fun stuff relating to the Sega Gaming Systems! Join your host Sonic for tons 'o fun!

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